Unit: Shadows In The Forest
Theme: How to make a low-relief shadow box frame
Skill : Be able to create art as a means of self expression
What Did We Do:
We learned about Leopards and then created one of three choices for our project, Reclining Leopard, Watchful Leopard and Stalking Leopard. Students then created their own designs to re-create the rosettes Leopards have on their bodies. We used our prior knowledge of watercolours and painted our Leopards using ‘wet on dry’ technique. Students then prepared their foliage with organic shapes and paint, to create a forest effect. Students use the positive and negative parts of the foliage to create more texture and depth in their artworks. Using the cut out shape of the Leopard from paper and mounted onto cardboard creates a relief composition. Overlapping the cut-out shapes negative and positive foliage creates depth and dimensionality. Students also placed the foliage at different distances from the background to create varying levels of relief.
Materials: Paint, paper, pencils, paint brushes, scissors, sharpies, cardboard, PVA glue, metallic marker (posca)